Black and white photo of registered acupuncturist placing needle in middle of patient's back


Clara Bernier

Clara was drawn to acupuncture because of the holistic foundations and natural approach of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). She came to realize, through her own health journey and life experiences, that there is a deep interconnectivity within the body and that the body has an intuitive ability to heal itself. Learning that acupuncture also recognizes these principles sparked an immediate curiosity and passion for the medicine.

Clara’s professional interest in facial rejuvenation acupuncture stems from having her own skin struggles, which is what guides her compassionate and results driven treatments. In her experience skin health is often deeper than surface level so there is a large focuses on emotional health, stress management, hormonal support, dietary and lifestyle factors. Each treatment involves a full body acupuncture session to address any individual imbalances, followed by local facial procedures that will vary depending on your specific needs and concerns. The best skin results take commitment but are so worth it!

Clara is trained in advanced facial rejuvenation acupuncture, which includes facial cupping, gua sha, needling, microneedling, and LED light therapy. She is also licensed to provide body cupping, gua sha, electro-stimulation acupuncture and moxibustion therapies.

Clara is a registered acupuncturist with the CTCMA. She completed her studies at Pacific Rim College in Victoria, after completing her Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Victoria.

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Registered acupuncturist places needle in client back

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