A different kind of wellness clinic

Reimagining holistic wellness and providing services in a beautiful space in Esquimalt, BC

Beauty beyond

You are a masterpiece of nature, blooming with the right care and nourishment.

Skin deep

Our Ethos

At Opal Wellness, we are dedicated to creating a community that nurtures holistic well-being, supporting both inner balance and outer radiance. Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that true wellness arises from the harmony of mind, body, and spirit and we are committed to guiding our clients on a journey of self-discovery, self-care, and self-love. 

Offering a blend of professional health and wellness treatments, personalized product recommendations, and supportive lifestyle practices we strive to provide top quality compassionate care in a beautiful and relaxing environment.

We strive to foster a symbiotic relationship between internal health and external vibrance. Each service at Opal Wellness is more than just a treatment; it’s a step towards embracing the innate wellness and beauty within ourselves. Opal Wellness was created with the heartfelt pursuit of helping everyone we serve feel confident, healthy, and truly beautiful in every aspect of their lives.

Registered massage therapist giving a woman a massage at Opal Skin Studio
Community acupuncture chairs and wicker foot rests set up in front of Opal Skin Studio logo


Fostering connections within our community and nurturing enduring bonds between practitioners and clients. Our focus is on creating a supportive and inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and part of the Opal Wellness family.

Sasha Ormiston RAc gives patient a face massage as part of a facial rejuvenation acupuncture treatment


Prioritizing the well-being of our clients above all, we approach every service with compassion, kindness, and a deep commitment to the individual's needs. Our practice is rooted in empathy, ensuring a caring and attentive experience for everyone.


Empowering our clients to recognize and celebrate the beauty in their own health journeys, we are dedicated to supporting each individual on their path to self-love. Our services are designed to balance health and wellness from within while celebrating the beauty in all our differences along the way.

Opal Skin Studio owners Sasha Ormiston and Amelia Patillo, sit in the communal acupuncture space in front of the Opal Skin Studio logo

Meet the founders

The Story of Opal

Back in the summer of 2023, we began dreaming about opening a sister clinic to Nurture & Flo focused on holistic skin health. We met and bonded through our clinical practices at Nurture & Flo (Amelia as a Naturopathic Doctor and Sasha as a Registered Acupuncturist) as we both were passionate about skin health and compassionate patient care. The more we talked, the more excited we became, and what we initially thought would take years to materialize started taking shape much quicker. It was here that Opal Skin Studio was born!

By October, we discovered the perfect space for lease and quickly put in an offer. Since then, it’s been a whirlwind of planning and building our dream space. Every day, we are filled with gratitude and amazement at how beautifully everything has come together, often finding ourselves in awe that this beautiful space is our reality.

Since opening our incredible team of practitioners and staff has surpassed all our expectations. We are deeply honored to share this space with such compassionate, talented, and inspiring individuals who bring their heart and soul to everything they do. The practitioners at Opal are truly what makes our space the incredible clinic it is today.

Since opening we have always kept our values at the front of our vision. In order to continue showing up for practitioners and the community in the way we wanted we felt some changes were our next best steps for the business. After careful consideration and with great excitement, in the summer of 2024 we were thrilled to announce our rebranding to move forward as Opal Wellness. This new identity reflects our broader commitment to health and wellness, while still cherishing our roots in skin health. Skin health and self love remains a core part of our expertise, but we were eager to embrace and nurture the diverse passions of our practitioners and really embrace the beauty of healing in all its avenues. By broadening our scope we were thrilled to not only offer a larger variety of services but to also support our community of patients in an even greater way.

Our hearts are full of love and gratitude for each other, this team and our community. We both wear our hearts on our sleeves and we want that same energy to be palpable when you step into Opal. We can’t wait to share this gorgeous space and incredible team of practitioners with you, and help you step into your own beautiful and unique journey with healing and self love.

Much love,

Sasha and Amelia